While Christianity is largely prevalent in Canada, the country has evolved through the years as a religiously diverse nation. In major Canadian cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, the presence of ethnically diverse religion and less active participation in secular church activities characterize the face of religion in urban communities.

The Catholic Church still represents the majority of Christians in Canada, although in a survey taken nearly a decade ago, only 38.7% of Canadian residents were accounted as adherents to the Catholic religion. Non-Catholic Christians accounted for 67.3% of the entire Canadian population. However, it is likely that the figure has gone down since the rates of religious adherence have been noted to have steadily decreased through the years.

The non-Catholic Christians for one have become increasingly multicultural and multi-secular as well, as many immigrants had introduced various Christian denominations in addition to the different branches of Protestant religion, including the so-called Calvinists or the Reformed Protestants. In Canadian communities, one can find Chinese Anglicans or Korean Methodists providing their respective countrymen spiritual leadership and guidance.

2018 Pew Research Reveal 5 Key Takeaways about Religion in Canada

The results of Pew Research Center’s 2018 survey about the religious make up of Canadian citizens reveal that only 55% represent Canada’s Christian adherents.

Of those Christians, only 20% say they are Catholics while 18% stated Protestantism as their religion.

The Pew survey revealed that three out of every ten Canadians indicated that they are either agnostics or belonging to no particular religion; or an atheist, which to be clear are those who do not believe in God at all.

About 64% of Canadian adults no longer look to religion as an influencing factor in the country today. Many Canadians think religion no longer plays an important role in the Canadjan way of life the way it did 20 years ago.

In light of Canada’s dependency on immigrants in attaining population growth, the Canadian government has low levels of restrictions on religious practices observed throughout the country. Canada’s constitution basically protects freedom of religion, which was manifested when the Supreme Court ruled against the government of Quebec from its prohibition of wearing religious headdress or scarves in public places.

Young Canadian adults were found to be less religious than the elders who raised them. Although 55% of those surveyed by Pew said religion is still important, around half said they seldom pray or hardly go to church at all, while 36% admitted that they do not pray at all.

About 67% of those who responded to the Pew Survey believe that a person does not have to believe in God just to have good moral values and stay morally upright. This result has been consistent with the results of earlier Pew Surveys regarding the state of religion in Canada during the years 2002, 2007 and 2013.

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