Recently, Justice Stephen Breyer of the Supreme Court rejected a petition by a church seeking to bar future COVID-19 restrictions affecting church activities. The Calvary Chapel in Orrington, specifically requested the U.S Supreme Court to preempt incumbent Democratic Gov Janet Mills from bringing back Covid-19 restrictions, in light of the continuing spread of the delta variant across the country.

Deciding on his own and without waiting for his colleagues or hearing arguments about the petition, Associate Justice Stephen Breyer turned the the Calvary Chapel’s petition. A lawyer from the Maine Attorney General Office explained that the petition was deemed unnecessary, since Governor Mill’s civil emergency authority to issue such an order has already expired.

Calvary Chapel Lawyers Brand COVID-19 Restriction Periods as “Reign of Terror”

Calvary Chapel officials consider the preemptive action as important since the attorneys described the 14-month previous coronavirus restrictions ordered by Gov. Mills as a “reign of terror”. That being the case, the chapel officials wanted to make sure that if ever any restrictions will be reimposed, the order will not encroach on their their religious liberties.

Calvary Chapel’s representative, Liberty Counsel, mentioned it was important for them to obtain an injunction as the Supreme Court will not be hearing cases until late September.