With the rise of COVID 19, communities around the world had to broadcast live fairs, create podcasts, and upload worship videos. According to experts, copyright and fair use laws still apply to pandemic diseases.

Bible translations, liturgical texts, hymns, and religious images, whether published or not, are constitutionally protected by copyright, a form that protects the original work.

Copyright licensing for Churches Live Streaming Christian Music

The use of these materials in other contexts generally requires permits and payments.

US copyright law mandates the use of materials for fair use, public works, and religious services, but the community is not completely exempt from compliance.

“There is a license to legally use reprinted and reproduced music,” says Brenna Cronin, general manager of One License, especially for countries.

Cronin’s Chicago-based company offers community service licenses for reprinting, projection, podcasting, or streaming church music services. Even the live streaming set up as per reviews from CSGOGuru requires license fees. These are fairly distributed among composers, writers, and publishers.

Fairness is at the heart of the license, said Mary Elizabeth Sperry, deputy director of the United States Bishops’ Conference (USCCB) permit and Bible use.

“Spiritually (the artist) deserves it,” said Sperry, who stressed that the royalties paid to mortgage music composers and paid a lot of money by paying mortgages and putting food on the table. Lights up. “

This problem has increased with confusion over copyrights following the epidemic, and rights organizations are working to adapt to new requirements as religious groups are also coping up in this digital age.

“No one has planned for COVID,” Msgr said. Andrew Wadsworth, Executive Director of the English Literature Commission (ICEL) worldwide, oversees the translation of English liturgy inquiries about Roman ceremonies in the Vatican. “We never thought of a situation where people outside the church needed access (for worship assistance).”

Not rocket science, but not intuitive

“It’s not copyright science, but it’s not an intuitive matter,” says Joy R. Butler, a nationally recognized lawyer in the field of entertainment, media and digital technology.

Another problem is the widespread belief that permissions do not apply if text, images and music are available online.

The Recording Industry Association of America says on its website, “The digital information on the Internet is as free as the public.”

However, Sperry asked his copyright webinar participants “What should I not steal?”

Copyright Licensing is a matter of “justice,” said Mary Elizabeth Sperry, deputy director of the USCCB’s (US Bishops ‘Conference)’ s authority and Bible use, and said that living costs are particularly important to precedent composers who rely on music charges. (Photo: May Elizabeth Sperry / provided by USCCB)

Even if posters ignore copyright laws, social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have automated manual processes that monitor the use of copyrighted content and regularly remove or block posts identified as violations.

Even if the COVID-19 restriction is lifted, the precedents and airways continue, and after that the congregation needs to scrutinize the use of protected substances, Cronin said.

“We are in a brave new world with a pandemic,” she said. “We know that many companies will have a learning curve to get used to licensing copyrights.”