Health & Religion?

Most research studies which promise to demonstrate how religious involvement is associated with better health don’t rule out other factors which may account for the connection, or error opportunity findings for actual ones. Study after study demonstrates that physicians have little time in their interactions with patients they routinely don’t…

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Treating Games as a Religion

Surveys are currently showing more and that more 30 and 40+ years old’s are being drawn to the world of gaming. They are not showing up to work in time not showing up their private lives are suffering all because they’re gaming instead of nurturing their world relationships that are…

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Call to donate to Charities!

There are several methods to acquire aid for non profit groups and, the church. Such as washing automobiles for raising cash, tips, fundraisers, may be predicated upon a product such as even a service or selling biscuits. It could also just be a straight call to the church. Some websites…

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